#102 14377 64 Ave, Surrey, BC

Blog by Max Chiu | October 1st, 2019

I just finished uploading this Authority to Lease for rent, #102 14377 64 Ave, Surrey, BC

办公/商业店铺出租,位于64街夹144街广场内,车流繁忙。周围店铺加油站。1055尺,全包月租$3868. 租期3+3.适合各种生意。有意者请联系赵信德,预约看店,请勿打扰员工。 Retail/Office space located at 64 Ave and 144 St. South Surrey. Busy area, stores and gas station around. 1055 SF, gross monthly rent $3868. Lease term 3+3. Suitable for any business. Showing by appointment only. Please do not disturb staff.